
Fact About Apple Fruit

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Fact About Apple Fruit

Fact About Apple Fruit- Apples are fruits that one family with the rose family (Rosaceae). Apple skin is usually a red when ripe and (ready to eat), but this can also a green or yellow skinned. Rather mushy fruit skin, flesh hard. The fruit has few seeds in it.

Sunpride itself has several kinds of apples, namely Fuji Apple (pink uniform in all parts of the fruit), Golden Apple (colored yellow-green medium-sized diameter ± 67mm), Juliet Organic Apple (premium apple varieties which are cultivated organically, crusted red & yellow) , and Pink Lady Apple (reddish pink colored blush with a special treatment from planting to grapes). Apple is popular as one of the fruits richest in antioxidants.

Fact About Apple Fruit
Fact About Apple Fruit

The latter substance is a substance which was much needed by the body to counteract the amount of free radicals that are currently increasing. Because of the popularity, some people often say that eating an apple a day will keep us from the doctor.

Yup, Apple is incredible. Besides it tastes sweet and juicy flesh, the health benefits brought by apple very much. For those of you looking for a filling meal but do not make a stretchy body, the apples would enter in the list. Or you include people who are looking for a cheap alternative to skin care, with vitamins A, B, and C apples are ready to answer all your skin problems.
Discussing apples in terms of the benefits it will never run out, because very much at all offered by this fruit. Well, this time let's look at the interesting facts about apples that you may not know the following:

Apples are a member of the rose family (Rosaceae) species Malus domestica and from archeologists its have found the evidence that humans have been enjoying apples since 6500 BC.

A study states that the average American consumes 42-43 pounds of apples a year.

The apple tree originated from the area between the Caspian and the Black Sea and China produce apples more other countries.

Planting apples from apple seeds that we eat will not produce the same apple varieties.

Fresh apples are thrown into water will float because 25% of their volume is air.

Apples will ripen 6-10 times faster at room temperature than in the refrigerator stored.

Apple trees generally have 3-12 meters high with a dense crown.

An apple tree takes at least 4-5 years to mature and produce fruit the first.

Believe it or not, there are 7,500 kinds of apples, but the five most well known is the Red Delicious Apple, Gala Apple, Golde Delicious Apple, Granny Smith Apple, and Fuji Apple.

The biggest apple recorded in Japan and weigh up to 1,849 kg.

The lifetime of an apple tree believed to be over 100 years.

Apples can be stored in a cool place like a refrigerator and if they are stored in a temperature of less than 5 degrees, they can last about 2 weeks.

One medium-sized the apple contains about the 80 calories.

The word "apple" is derived from the ancient English word is "Aeppel".

Quercetin is found only in the skin of apples. Apple skin also contains more antioxidants and fiber than the flesh itself.
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