
The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach

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The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach

Difference between the Amaranth and Spinach- The Amaranthus and Spinach are two figures are different plants. They are still together Amaranthaceae family, but different genus. The genus of spinach is Amaranthus, and the genus of spinach is Spinacia. Amaranthus is a genus of about 60 species, all of which are seasonal crops, both living in the tropics and sub-tropics. Amaranthus species, consisting of producing grains (amaranth grains, cereals), vegetables (amaranth leaf vegetable), and as ornamental plants (ornamental amaranth plant).

All genus amaranthus, originating from the Americas. Which we know as the amaranth leaf vegetable is spinach. Amaranth ornamental plant, among others, known as a chicken's comb flower. While amaranth as a producer of grains such as rice and maize, only cultivated in sub-tropical regions. If genus Amaranthus from the American continent, the genus Spinacia originated from Persia (Iran). If Amaranth sp. is the producer of grains, vegetables, and also as an ornamental plant, then Spinacia (Spinacia oleracea) is the only producer of vegetables. If leaf vegetable amaranth can be grown in the tropics, then Spinacia only cultivated in sub-tropical regions.

The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach
The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach

The genus Amaranthus, consists of about 60 species. Species that is popular as a vegetable the Amaranthus tricolor, Amaranthus hybridus, or Amaranthus cruentus, and Amaranthus dubius. They are in our country this is popularly known as spinach and translated into English as Spinach. Included in dictionaries English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English. Amaranthus species cultivated as Grain Amaranth seeds to be taken, among others, and Amaranthus Amaranthus cruentis hypochondriaca. Grain Amaranth has been cultivated since the days of the Maya and the Inca empire, and until now remains an important commodity in Mexico. Amaranth seeds are packaged and marketed as a snack. Amaranthus is cultivated as an ornamental plant, among others, the Amaranthus caudatus, or Amaranthus hybridus, Amaranthus retroflexus, and Amaranthus viridis. In addition to being a producer of grains, vegetables and as an ornamental plant, also known as Amaranth weed. For example, a new strain of Palmer amaranth are known as weeds in cotton plantations and resistant to herbicides. There are also rare and Amaranth species threatened with extinction, namely Amaranthus pumilus habitat in the beach sand. With the breadth of Amaranth species include utilization, then the leaf vegetable amaranth Amaranth or Green Leaf is actually just one of the uses of Amaranth.

Some people translate spinach as spinach, although the two are completely different. We deserve to give the title as the vegetable spinach seed. Not only because of its nutritional qualities, but also because of his usefulness as a powerful antioxidant. Spinach has an ORAC value of 1260. Figure was due spinach contains a lot gluthation which is a natural antioxidant.

The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach
The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach
In conducting its activities, gluthation duty to protect the inside of the cell is protected from oxidation of water. The main antioxidant effectiveness is also supported by a wide range of substances that can support the enzymatic antioxidant capacity in the body in the form of nutrients it contains. Spinach is a source of exogenous antioxidants are of high quality. Bioactive secondary role as an antioxidant is vitamin C. Its capacity as a source of antioxidants increased because spinach is also rich with a variety of substances that act as antioxidants nirgizi. Spinach contains carotenoids lot consisting of chlorophyll, beta-carotene, lutein, and fitomikia consisting of D-glucaric acid, saponin, spinacein, spinatoside, and palutin. In addition, spinach is also a source of ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) is efficacious as a secondary antioxidant-capable double.

Spinach is rich chlorophyll. This leaves the green pigment is an excellent source of antioxidants to protect cells from cancer, primarily caused by hcterocyclic amine causes colon cancer and aflatoxin causes liver cancer. Chlorophyll content of spinach including superior when compared to other green vegetables, green olives compared, spinach contains 1000 times more chlorophyll. The green pigment has excellent ability to detoxify toxins in the gastrointestinal tract so as to minimize the risk of stomach cancer and colon cancer. A study says that chlorophyline (derivative of chlorophyll) were able to prevent damage to the DNA and RNA of aflatoxin on soybeans, peanuts, and grains can cause liver cancer.

The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach
The Difference Between Amaranth and Spinach

In addition to chlorophyll, carotenoids also have another big hand as well as anticancer antioxidants. Lutein contains very useful to enhance the body's immune system in the face of cancer. Studies conducted at Washington State University says that in conditions of lutein deficiency, the body susceptible to cancer. Adequacy of lutein will improve the immune system with consequent benefits to suppress the development of cancer cells. Another study from the same institution mentioned that increased levels of lutein will decrease the development of breast tumor cells. This happens because the effectiveness of lutein are actively able to increase the production of interferon gamma (IFNg) and interleukin-2 that has a special hamper the effectiveness of tumor development.

Various studies suggest that the bioactive spinach is able to prevent and inhibit some cancers include breast cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, and ovarian cancer. Its ability to prevent prostate tumors very effectively. A research has shown that spinach has the ability to lower the Gleason score (lab results that show the progression of the tumor) stage III and IV tumors to the number 7. Bioactive which has a strong performance is not fully known. Scientists believe that carotenoids (neoxanthin and epoxixanthin) as well as an anticancer capable epoxyxanthofil great that can suppress tumor cell progression toward progressive.

What is clear from the genus Amaranthus amaranth (Amaranth Sp), clearly different from Spinach (Spinacia oleracea). Although both are vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. Although both of them are still a family Amaranthaceae. Either misguided since when this happens, but it should start slowly straightened. Because spinach that we know today, the English term is referred to as a leaf vegetable amaranth Amaranth or Green Leaf. Sometimes it adopted the English original term Caribbean: Callalo. to mention spinach. But it is clear that we know spinach is not Spinach, which can only be grown in sub-tropical regions.
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