
Extraordinary Facts About Grapefruit

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Extraordinary Facts About Grapefruit

Extraordinary Facts About Grapefruit- The grapefruit is not a grape. The grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) is a subtropical citrus tree from the class Angiosperm, known for its sour to semi-sweet fruit, an 18th-century hybridfirst bred in Barbados. When found, it was named the "forbidden fruit"; and it has also been misidentified with the pomelo or shaddock (C. maxima), one of the parents of this hybrid, the other being sweet orange (C.  sinensis).

In Indonesia, this fruit called as “jeruk keprok”, and its not same like pamelo. Grapefruit has great characteristics and benefits. Lowering cholesterol levels and make the skin smooth is a few benefits of this fruit. 
Extraordinary Facts About Grapefruit
Extraordinary Facts About Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a large citrus orange skinned with purplish red pulps like grape. The fruit is different from the green-skinned pomelo,  that pamelo is yellowish and much larger size. Grapefruit was sour tasted, while the pomelo is sweet-bitter tasted. The grapefruit was cultivated in the United States, while the pomelo is native to Southeast Asia.

Grapefruit has a variety of health benefits. Eating one grapefruit per day can lower bad cholesterol by 15.5% and triglycerides by 27%. Because of that, this fruit is good for heart health. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, red fruit concentrated is better because it contains antioxidants higher than the pale fruit. However, if you are taking any medications, you should consult with your doctor. Because, this fruit can increase the potency of a particular drug.

Grapefruit also good for those who are on the diet. Research Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center in California showed that this fruit can eliminate hunger. Substances in it helps burn fat and stabilize blood sugar levels and insulin. Eat half a grapefruit every dining will, undoubtedly your weight will drop 1.5 pounds in 12 weeks.

The fruit is also suitable for beauty care, especially skin. Because its rich in vitamin C, grapefruit can help the production of collagen to make your skin supple and toned. The benefit would be optimal if you eat a grapefruit every day.

Black rough skin and can also be overcome by rubbing a mixture of grapefruit juice and sugar to the skin. The content of vitamin C that can sour blemishes by reducing the production of excess pigment. However, do not use on the face as it can irritate.
If your bathroom is dirty, you can use grapefruit as a cleaner alternative. Discard the juice, reserving the pulp and skin. Dip the plate of salt, rub it into the bathroom equipment, then rinse. Citric acid of the fruit to eliminate impurities, while salt and disinfection functions as sandpaper.

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