

iklan 2


Date-The word ‘date’ will be reminded us about the Arab country or the month of fasting. Yes, date palm is always identified with it. But how much of our knowledge about the dates? Why the dates become good food for our body and it is recommended to eat them when breaking the fast?

Date, (Arabic: Tamr; Latin: Phoenix dactylifera) is a palm tree (Arecaceae) in the genus Phoenix. The research can’t find where the date palm from, but maybe originated from the Persian Gulf. Like palm trees in general, date palm tree have medium-sized with a height of about 15-25 m, growing singly or forming a clump on a stem of a single root system. The leaves about 3-5 m, with spines on the petiole, the form is pinnate and has about 150 young leaf, young leaf have long about 30 cm and wide about 2 cm.

Date have shape-cylinder oval fruit with the long about 3-7 cm and 2-3 cm in diameter. And the young fruit have bright red color to bright yellow, depending on the kind of date. Date have a single seed and the long about 2-2.5 cm and the thick about 6-8 mm. There are many type of date, it depends on the content of glucose, fructose and sucrose in the date fruit.

Date, with a glucose content of 50%, it is very nutritious because the flesh is composed of fructose and glucose that have high in calories and easily and quickly digested. Glucose content in the date calming nerves and provide a sense in the soul.

There are many advantages from date fruit. They have great benefit to our brain. With a 22% protein content, date also contains many kinds of vitamins A, B1, and B2. These proteins protect the body from disease and infection, the body's cells renew themselves, and balances the body fluids. Vitamin A improves eye sight capability and strength of the body, it also make the bones and teeth strong. Vitamin B1 facilitate healthy functioning of nerve tissue, helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy, regulating appetite and digestion, and enables the metabolism of protein and fat. Vitamin B2 facilitates to burning proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are necessary for the provision of energy and cell renewal.

Besides the fruit, other parts of the date can also be used. Date seeds can be used as fodder and jewelry, the oil used in the manufacture of soaps and other cosmetics, and many more benefits of date.
iklan 3

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